Monday, August 19, 2024

thirty-third week

Malgré une semaine encore très occupée, j'ai réussi à finir un livre! Il s'agit de Pour une langue sans sexisme : petit traité pratique pour un usage au quotidien de Céline Labrosse, auteure d'un autre ouvrage sur le même sujet que j'ai mentionné récemment. J'ai moins apprécié son contenu cette fois, et je ne suis pas du tout d'accord avec certaines de ses solutions de désexisation du langage, en particulier celle qui consiste à tout bonnement adopter la forme masculine traditionnelle d'un attribut et d'ajouter la ou une devant pour indiquer qu'on désigne une femme. Ça me semble un peu paresseux et passif comme attitude... Mais bon, j'ai encore une fois trouvé dans ses écrits d'excellentes stratégies que je peux mettre en action dans mon travail, alors je n'ai certainement pas perdu mon temps.

I discovered two "new" podcasts this past week, coincidentally both hosted by people I already knew and liked very much.

The first was "The Curious History of Your Home" by one of my ladycrushes, the amazing Ruth Goodman. I'm very grateful to Melanie on Bluesky for this recommendation. It's evocatively written, and deals with everyday subjects (such as dish washing, forks, gardening) in an inquisitive way that makes them absolutely compelling. The installment on cats is my favourite thus far, of course. Ruth's beautiful, expressive voice makes listening a complete joy. There are now 21 episodes, and I hope for many more!

The second, which I found while idly browsing the True Crime section of my podcast app, is simply called "Bronwyn." As soon as I saw it was by Hedley Thomas, I subscribed and downloaded all available episodes. This name will be familiar to a good deal of fans of the genre. He and his team at The Australian newspaper have revolutionized investigative true crime podcasting over the past few years with "The Teacher's Pet," "The Teacher's Trial," "The Teacher's Accuser," "Shandee's Story" and "Shandee's Legacy" — all of which had major impacts on the cases they presented. I like Hedley's approach, his compassionate attitude, the careful way in which he phrases his questions. I binged the first season of "Bronwyn" and am very impatient for the start of the second, which should start in a few weeks.